About Me:
Hello, I'm Zahi Najmal
Welcome to my digital playground! I'm, a student at Habitat School Al Jurf, 4-B, with a passion for crafting engaging online experiences.
I've recently ventured into the world of game development and created an entertaining game website featuring titles like Basket Champ, Carrom Pool, Bubble Trip, and many more.
Studying at Habitat School fuels my curiosity, and during my free time, I love bringing new and imaginative websites to life.
• Cubic Heaven: Check out Cubic Heaven, a unique and visually captivating website that showcases my creative flair.
• Cyber Buddy: Dive into the world of Cyber Buddy, a project where I explored ways to enhance online interactions and experiences.
• FootBallz: Experience the excitement of football with FootBallz, a football-themed website that brings the game to life in a digital space.
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